Friday, April 29, 2011

The Little Mermaid

I believe that the story of The Little Mermaid symbolizes a powerful metaphor of the "Sacred Feminine" over the last several thousand years of western civilization. The Bible refers Mary Magdalene as the “Lost Bride" and the carrier of the sacred famine. The mermaid/merman was known as the sea God; who was a depiction of half-human and half-fish. This representation derived from the Babylonians as early as 8000 BC. It was said that this God had a human voice and taught his people the arts of civilization. The main symbolic reference in this film is solely based on religious interpretations. Ariel has an interest in collecting unfamiliar artifacts. While Ariel is in her cave under the ocean, she examines strange objects from a shipwrecked vessel. Among her treasures she comes across a famous painting called Magdalen with the Smoking Flame. Of all the possible pictures in the history of art, it is significant that the directors of the Disney film chose Mary Magdalene who represents the lost bride of Jesus. Ariel does not carry a book and a mirror by accident. These are icons readily identified in medieval art. The mirror is not just a symbol for feminine pride but represents the role of the material world. The book represents all natural and spiritual law. She is continuously seeking of wisdom, and the book symbolizes the Bible. Many Disney movies depict a spiritual concept and out of all the movies I have seen I believe The Little Mermaid has shown the most religious representation.


  1. I am curious where the “Lost Bride" is found in scripture?

  2. Yes, please tell us where you read about a 'lost bride' in the Bible? I too believe there is much spiritual symbolism in Disney movies, just not what the Bible represents as good & honorable. The symbolism used by Disney is to service children into the world of enchantment, mysticism, & exaltation of self & sex. In other words, Disney's goal is to lure children into all kinds of evil.
