Friday, April 29, 2011

Toy Story 3

In my perspective Toy Story 3 is symbolic for the Holocaust .If you pay close attention you will notice symbolic significance. Even though Disney is child-friendly, there are subliminal messages that provoke serious implications. So basically Andy is leaving for college and he needs to pick and chose what he will bring with him to school. After going through his childhood toys he decides to bring Woody along for the new college journey, and puts his other toys in a bag to be put away in the attic. Andy’s mother mistakenly thought the bag was trash. The toys were left behind, just as host nations left behind the Jews as they conquered Europe. Woody then holds a meeting, where the toys discuss possible outcomes for their new position in the world. Change a few words and it is the same exact scene in award winning Holocaust drama The Pianist.”Yes, we’ve lost friends, but surely that can’t happen to us” says woody. This is similar to what someone in the Holocaust would say about their friends or family members they have lost. The toys end up trapped in a daycare center called Sunnyside which is symbolizes a concentration camp. Sunnyside is composed of unwanted toys that were sent away, because they were no longer needed or wanted in “society”. The new toys are bashed and abused by the “leaders” of the daycare, and are portrayed with “Hitler-like” characteristics. The toys eventually end up being thrown into the trash chute, which is a dump where all the unwanted objects are killed, burnt and destroyed. The chute is another symbolism for concentration camps. Disney always ends with a happy ending; so of course the toys are saved at the last minute by “aliens” from Pizza Planet. This scene represents a group of concentration camp prisoners who escape camp grounds. Disney movies are made to be interpreted whichever way you can envision them.

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